Day 5 - d20 rolls with Factions Bold

Getting pretty tired today as I had a really late night yesterday, so I’m sleeping early tonight.

So what’s happened today? Screenshots! =)…

Quest Screen

First things first, lots of d20’s everywhere, so I decided to just use something akin to the d20 srd, just because then I wouldn’t have to balance everything.

Secondly the quest rewards have changed, Peeps now just get a monetary reward, I need to add some Peep shops as buildings, so they can spend their hard earned coin, but the option is there =)…

Quest Screen - Post Quest

So let’s say you complete a quest, we can see that the Peeps have gotten their just reward!

However some other things have changed, the Reputation in the Status Bar, has gone up, why? Well for Factions that are antithetical to you such as the Goblins, higher regard comes from being a more threatening enemy. I’ve not quite decided what the factions are so these are both placeholders =)…

I should probably focus on the Map tomorrow, having a cohesive space where Quests get spawned from should help tie these things together =)…


fruit-economy_0.0.6_amd64.deb 77 MB
Version 0.0.6 Mar 11, 2022
Fruit_Economy-0.0.6.dmg 98 MB
Version 0.0.6 Mar 11, 2022 2.7 MB
Version 0.0.6 Mar 11, 2022
Fruit Economy - 7drl 2022 2.6 MB
Mar 11, 2022

Get Fruit Economy - 7DRL 2022

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