Joined Hands is an innovative deck builder game in where you combine cards for victory.

The game was created in 48h for the GMTK 2021 game jam. The theme was “Joined Together“.

It's a game of card combining:

  1. Draw as many cards as you want, just be careful not to draw too many! You can draw cards by clicking the deck on the bottom left side of your screen! Note: Drawing 3 negative cards effect (like Burn), will hurt you!
  2. Combine them in different ways to make better cards, order matters! You can do that by selecting the cards and then clicking the big "Combine" button!
  3. Play them on your enemies. Just drag and drop the card on top of the enemy you want to attack.
  4. Hope you don't get hurt too badly! That slime might be cute, but he has a gun!

The cards you combined uncombine at the end of each match!

This game was built by:

  • Kishiroh did the art
  • Blood_And_Bone worked on design
  • RyGuy, Fonkin Stubbleduck and Folcon worked on programming

For all of us this is our first jam, we just wanted to have some fun and build something cool!

Please play full screen =)...

Hope you enjoy it!

We were lucky enough to be one of the games featured while Mark was showcasing games during the voting period!

We've embedded our segment below:

Update Log:

  • Release 1.0 - post jam
    • Added credits
    • Fixed poison and display a poison indicator
    • Added a card preview when combining cards based on Mark's feedback that he wanted a way to know what the combining output would be
    • Fixed a bug with the combining numbers not being updated when you toggle cards
    • Added inventory which shows cards in the deck, discard and destroyed
    • Added armour
    • Tweaked and cleaned up the gameplay loop code

Known bugs:

  • (The below two may now be fixed due to the fixes I made above, I wasn't able to reliably reproduce them unfortunately.)

    • The "This is text" cards.
    • The deck sometimes running out and not restocking.
  • Poison not working - fixed


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Sound credit:

 Soundslikewillem Welding.wav - used for card combining

GustavoGE Tearing and discarding paper.wav -  used for card discarding 

Rocotilos "You Lose" - evil used for the you lose screen 

EVRetro Videogame noises - 8-bit mini win sound effect used for the win screen sound 

SomeoneCool15 Playing Cards -  Playing cards being delt.mp3 used for the draw sounds 

Smullen93 Valuable Sounds - Kick_02_Body.wav used for the attack sound Mortifreshman Clock ticking used for the end turn sound mitchanary Lightmetal_armor used for the armour sound 

ColorsCrimsonTears Heal - Rpg used for the heal sound

Thank you very much to these people on for providing these free sound assets!😃

I like the combine system! Good job! 

Thanks ^_^...

Cool game

Thanks =)... I enjoyed yours too ^_^...

Hey thanks for the rating! I love deckbuilders! Definitely getting some Slay the Spire vibes here.Its a shame the text was really hard to read in the web player. I tried the exe too and found it wasn't an issue there. I like the ideas here, but I had a hard time figuring out the strategy for combining cards. Theres some real promise here if you keep working on it though!

Full-screen helps